Numerology is a science, practice, or conviction that numbers influence the lives of people.

This belief has roots from ancient times since we know Greeks believed that numbers formed the basis of the universe. They believed the universe moved in a numerical harmony.

Today, in the practice of numerology, compatibility chart takes precedence over many other issues, even though this ancient science determines an individual’s personality, talents, weaknesses and strengths, and the ability to deal with others.

But isn’t the science of numerology number meanings etc. just a myth?

No, we cannot brush away numerology as rubbish. Not yet. In recent years some scientists believe in Intelligent Design of the universe or rather in the understanding that our universe has been purposefully created with the laws and constants of physics.

This claim is based on the evidence that out earthy lives are very sensitive to some numbers or physical constants, so much so that any changes in these numbers can have a profound impact on our life.

Another strong belief is numerology is based on energy sensations or vibrations. Numerologists argue that these vibrations link together epoch, cosmos, living, and non-living matter. They say in each incarnation we chose our numbers that set the pathway for the lessons we decide to learn.

To understand numerology, compatibility chart and baby horoscopes do help, but for most expert numerologists, all they need is your name and birth date.

The universal language of numbers helps us to understand the patterns of the universe – and in the process understand our very selves.

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